Perspectives on Public Art : A Collection of Photographs by Luke Seward

In the Summer of 2014, COPA intern Luke Seward was given an assignment: To take photographs of the city's art collection that would showcase the artworks and could be used for brochures and promotional materials. As part of his internship, Luke was also given the opportunity to take photos that showed his own, more personal interpretation of the artworks he was documenting. These photographs comprise "Perspectives on Public Art" a virtual exhibit which allows us to see new angles and aspects of Louisville's pubic art through Luke's eyes.

Artist's Statement: Public artworks are subject to a variety of interpretations by the people that see and interact with them. These ticketless attractions provide creative inspiration, motivation, and innovation through carefully composed vision. Public works serve as triggers for imagination for people old and young, big and small, poor and rich. These same works function as a meeting place for a first date, a landmark for directions, an unorthodox jungle gym for a toddler, or even provide shade on a hot day. People take notice and use these art works, which are vital to the successful existence of culture within a metropolitan area.

Through cataloguing these works for the Commission on Public Art this summer I was inspired to create this body of work. Viewing these public displays through a lens has allowed me to see them as I never have before and I invite you to share this experience with me.

Luke Seward, Photography Intern

This exhibition of photography was created and curated by Luke Seward, BFA in Photography at the University of Louisville and COPA Summer Intern 2014.

Click Here to Start the Exhibit.

Perspectives on Public Art